The templates, know-how and action steps business owners need to handle any NDA situation without the legal headache. 

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Navigate NDA Adventures

No Legal Jargon. Just Results

Are You...

  • Looking to quickly handle your business NDA situations yourself
  • Wanting to avoid hiring a costly law firm to help you do something you know you can handle yourself?
  • Worried you'll lose precious hours researching NDA topics when you'd rather be working?
  • Done with reading about NDA situations but still not sure what to actually do?

Because you are: 

  • Facing the Expiration of your NDA and want to safeguard your information?
  • Want to effectively terminate your NDA early without upsetting the other side or risking your information?
  • Dealing with a potential or actual breach of an NDA and are looking to take swift impactful action?
  • Looking to update or change an NDA post signature and want the changes to be legally effective?

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

NDA Happily Ever After has all the templates, know-how and action steps business owners need to handle any NDA situation without the legal headache. 

Join Now

Hi, I'm Acacia Thornton

Not that long ago I had a career helping business owners protect their confidential information as in-house legal counsel. And then I became a business coach and realized how many law firms hold back easy action steps and documents from business owners who need them most. 

I started coaching business owners on how easy and simple it is to navigate NDAs scenarios.

Now, it is my joy and honor to help business owners of all sizes protect their companies with easy to use NDAs.


NDA Happily Ever After

Done Right. Without the Fight. 

NDA Happily Ever After gives you the templates, know-how and action steps to successfully handle the 4 Key Business NDA milestones no matter your contract, education or legal background. 

Key NDA Milestones Covered:

  • Amending, updating, or changing an NDA post-signature
  • Expiration of an NDA
  • Terminating an NDA Early
  • Threatened or Actual Breach of an NDA

Each Milestone Includes: 

✅ Templates

✅ Customization Guides

✅ What to Expect and Do Videos

✅ FAQ Videos

✅ Action Steps to Take to Ensure Legally Enforceable


🚫  Subject Matter Expertise

🚫 Legal Jargon

🚫 Filler Fluff or

🚫 Legal Lessons

NDA Happily Ever After Milestones


Changing, Modifying or Amending NDA Post Signature

  • Video 1: How to Amend your NDA, Action Steps
  • Video 2: FAQs + What to Expect
  • Template: NDA Amendment Template
  • NDA Amendment Customization Guide Video

NDA Naturally Ends or Expires

  • Video 1: What to do when your NDA Expires, Why it Matters + FAQs
  • Template 1: Letter of Expiration
  • Template 2: Certificate of Return or Destruction
  • Letter of Expiration Customization Guide Video
  • Certificate of Return or Destruction Customization Guide Video

Terminating NDA Early

  • Video 1: Action Steps for Terminating an NDA + What to Expect
  • Video 2: FAQs
  • Template 1: Notice of Termination
  • Template 2: Certificate of Return or Destruction
  • Notice of Termination Customization Guide
  • Certificate of Return or Destruction Customization Guide

Threatened or Actual Breach of NDA

  • Video 1: Action Steps and Know-how when facing Threatened or Action Breach of an NDA + FAQs
  • Template 1: Cease and Desist Letter
  • Template 2: Demand Letter
  • Cease and Desist Letter Customization Guide
  • Demand Letter Customization Guide


The goal is to give you quick easy success with minimal effort or learning. To support that you'll get an amazing NDA Bonus Pack valued at over $2,500!

  • NDA Today Your Way Group Coaching Program. Weekly live calls + community where you can get feedback and ask your NDA questions live. 

  • 5 Read it to You Videos. It's a best practice to read something before signing it, but who has time for that? Every template has a video reading the document aloud to you to save you the time and annoyance or reading it yourself. 

  • 5 What Does it Mean Videos. Understanding how your documents impact your business is key to success. These What Does it Mean videos explain the practical business impacts of your templates without the legal jargon. 

  • 3 Money Saver Videos. Learn three key ways you can save money on NDA matters and how this program will save you thousands of dollars in document fees for matters outside the NDA context.  

  • Mutual NDA Template + Customization Guide. Set yourself up for NDA success with an NDA template designed for B2B scenarios and customized in under 10 minutes 

You’ll finish this program with the confidence and a plan you can implement today and for the life of your NDA

With this Program You Will

  • Have all the templates you need with step-by-step action points for all the major NDA life cycle phases
  • Know how to look like a pro and take quick action for anything that comes up during your NDA’s life
  • Eliminate the guesswork and uncertainty surrounding business NDAs.
  • Know exactly what to do, say, and expect when facing common NDA scenarios.
  • Have powerful, customized templates ready to use at your disposal.
  • Get answers to your burning questions about NDAs

... And you'll be able to use it over and over again for long term success.


I'm Acacia Thornton

I'm an attorney turned business coach passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to achieve next-level success. After a decade-long career as in-house legal counsel for industry-leading companies, I now help business owners elevate their business success and protect their work with the right contracts at the same time.

While traveling as a digital nomad, I met small business owners and entrepreneurs in coworking locations across the globe and realized I wanted to support their entrepreneurial momentum and protect the ideas that will impact the world for the better. So I left my role at a Fortune 500 to start CEOLegalCoach and empower business owners to rise to their next level.

"This is Fantastic Advice. I wish I knew this when I first got started" 

- Steven C. 

 "I will be forever grateful to have come across you." 

- Rita K., Las Vegas

"CEOLegalCoach is Absolutely 100 The Best!"


- Joseph P., Los Angeles

NDA Happily Ever After

NDA Action Steps, Templates + Know How for Business Owners



Get NDA Happily Ever NOW

If the program does not have the action steps and templates you need to complete a milestone, email me what was missing and I’ll refund you.